Under the contract for the provision of hospital medical services and the contracts for the National Oncology Programme – the sub-programme for the medical treatment of patients with oncological diseases and the radiotherapy sub-programme, the following services are provided on a day hospital basis:
Amethyst clinics also provide outpatient medical consultations for the specialties of Radiotherapy and Medical Oncology.
Phone: 021. 9368
Address: no 42, Drumul Odăi, Otopeni
Phone: 021. 9368
Address: no 486G, Răzoare Street, Florești
Phone: 021. 9368
Address: no 12, Bela Bartok Street, Dumbrăvița, Timiș County
Phone: 021. 9368
Address: no 10, Louis Pasteur Street, Alba-Iulia, Alba County