CNAS settlement

Amethyst Radiotherapy Clinics are in a contractual relationship with the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAS), so radiotherapy and chemotherapy services are fully paid for insured patients.

Under the contract for the provision of hospital medical services and the contracts for the National Oncology Programme – the sub-programme for the medical treatment of patients with oncological diseases and the radiotherapy sub-programme, the following services are provided on a day hospital basis:

  • IMRT radiotherapy;
  • 3D linear accelerator radiotherapy;
  • Chemotherapy with monitoring;
  • Oncology monitoring – with high-performance investigations;
  • Oncological disease monitoring – without high-throughput investigations;
  • Moderate energy protein malnutrition;
  • Care, involving a rehabilitation procedure, unspecified;
  • Other specified medical care;

Amethyst clinics also provide outpatient medical consultations for the specialties of Radiotherapy and Medical Oncology.

CNAS settled services

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Phone: 021. 9368
Address: no 42, Drumul Odăi, Otopeni


Phone: 021. 9368
Address: no 486G, Răzoare Street, Florești


Phone: 021. 9368
Address: no 12, Bela Bartok Street, Dumbrăvița, Timiș County


Phone: 021. 9368
Address: no 10, Louis Pasteur Street, Alba-Iulia, Alba County